Primary Schools

The city of Kakinada, where the Head Quarters of Christ Gospel India is located, has a population of 325,000. Many of our Churches are located in rural areas surrounding the city where hundreds of thousands live on dirt floors in grass huts, with no running water or electricity.

The path, of escape from poverty, is education. Christ Gospel India operates three primary schools on the outskirts of Kakinada with a total of 500 students. Families are invited to send their children to learn reading, writing and arithmetic free of charge. And in some cases children can learn Basic English, which is an extremely important skill since the business language of India is English.

In addition to primary education from accredited teachers, each student receives books and materials, as well as, a noon day meal. Medical attention is provided as needed.

You may be moved to make a onetime donation to support this educational program or provide ongoing support at a cost of US $25 per month per student. US Citizens and residents will receive annual donation receipts which can be used for tax deduction. Instructions for donations are included in the "Contact Us" section of this website.

Little Orphan Girl leads class in English recitation

Little Orphan Girl leads class in English recitation

Prayer time little girls

Prayer time little girls

School uniforms made by Sewing Center students

School uniforms made by Sewing Center students