Overview - Poverty in India

India has developed economically over the past 25 years, but to date, 42% of the population or about 550 Million people, still live under the New International Poverty Line of US $1.25 per day. A family of four living at this level of poverty has only US $5.00 per day for housing, food and clothing. Typically families must rent a small plot of ground and construct a grass hut home with their own hands, without electricity or running water.

Children living in a Grass Hut Village

Bishop Yelchuri with pastors in their grass hut home

Sobering walk in a grass hut village for a visiting foreigner

Sobering walk in a grass hut village for a visiting foreigner

In the cities of India, modern medical care and hospitalization is available, but in rural areas medical care is lacking or non-existent. As a Spiritual Family we want to share the message of the Gospel and growing up in the Stature of Jesus Christ with the whole world, but in the midst of such desperate need, we are compelled first meet the physical needs of the poor.

The following humanitarian relief programs have been operated by Christ Gospel India for over 25 years.