The Covid Disaster In India

Disaster Relief

India has a population of 1.3 Billion with 550 Million people living on or below US $1.25 per day. The climate is tropical, therefore, the temperature never gets so cold that heating homes is necessary. But, most of these 550 Million people live in make shift dirt floor grass huts without running water, electricity or indoor toilets. When natural disasters occur, such as, floods, earthquakes and Tsunamis the devastation is far greater in areas where the poor live. Also, in dry seasons, fires sometimes break out destroying thousands of homes before they can be contained.

The local government is well aware that Christ Gospel India can mobilize quickly and provide food, bottled drinking water, clothing and medical care when disasters occur. We are one of the first Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) the government calls on when these needs arise.

Disaster relief supplies provided by C.G.C.I. U.S.A. ready to transport and distribution

Disaster relief supplies provided by C.G.C.I. U.S.A. ready to transport and distribution

Bishop Yelchuri with volunteers ready to provide Disaster Relief

Bishop Yelchuri with volunteers ready to provide Disaster Relief

Government officials, as well as, leaders of other religious groups are well aware of the many humanitarian programs managed by Christ Gospel India, as well as, our ability to mobilize quickly when natural disasters occur. Others in India, regardless of their position or religion, know well and respect the good work Christ Gospel India does on behalf of the poorest of the poor.